
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Media Convergence and Interactivity Among Politics

Social media and politics play an important role for political candidates. It is crucial for a candidate to have media convergence. Certain social site, likes Twitter and Facebook, are key factors in gaining attention for the candidates. All of the social websites, newspaper, magazines, and any other media outlet come together to support or rally for one cause, recently this being the political elections. One particular article summarizes how social media dominates elections. “On Twitter, Mitt Romney has about 376,000 followers, Newt Gingrich has more than 1.4 million followers, Rick Santorum has close to 165,000 followers and Ron Paul has about 27,500 followers. They are all dwarfed by President Obama, who dominates the Twitterverse with more than 13 million followers. Of the GOP candidates on Facebook, Romney last had about 1.5 million likes, Gingrich has 295,979 likes, Santorum has 177,829 likes and Paul with 908,056 likes. But again, President Obama surpasses all the GOP candidates with 25.5 million likes.” Utilizing the power of the social networks is extremely important for politicians gaining an advantage in the race.

Media interactivity and convergence are closely related. Interactivity involves a close relationship between the user and the source. In this case, we are talking about the politicians and their social media sites. In one article, the author studies President Obama’s use of social media in his 2008 election. President Obama took 5 major steps to get his audience to listen to him. “1. Build his political brand 2. Create 3. Present across multiple social media sites 4. Donations 5. Encourage participation.” The President needed to be up to date on all of his sites and encourage his audiences to check out his social media. Without their support, then the President may have not won the election. “The effectiveness of Obama’s online strategy to engage and mobilize people can be seen in some of the numbers:
                6.5 million online donations
                $600+ million campaign funds raised, most of it online
                13 million email addresses
                1 billion email sent
                2 million profiles on
                200,000 offline events planned
                400,000 blog posts written
                35,000 volunteer groups created”

Social media is one of the most influential parts of a political election. “For anyone doubting
that a social media message is fleeting, 94 percent of social media users of voting age
watched a political message in its entirety on a social media site…” The number of social
media sites used for political elections is outstanding. As I said earlier, without this kind of
technology who know where we would be in the political spectrum of the world.


  • Are GOP Candidates falling behind on Social Media? -ABC News
  • The Evolving Use of Social Media for Political Campaigns -socialmediatoday
  • Election 2012: How Social Media Will Convert Followers into Voters


  1. This post relates a lot to Jordan's post, and had me thinking again about how powerful Obama's social media tools were in the outcome of his 2008 election. His main emphasis was on the social media, and it's probably one of the most efficient tools of media since things can go viral instantly.

    - Carly Grieff

  2. Watching the video you posted really made me start to think. How responsible is it for the President of the United States to have a twitter? There are many times that people tweet things and what they say sparks a massive outcry. Being in political office, being the leader of the free world, is going to intensify the criticism given to every post. Some political information is hard to convey in a ten page paper, let alone 140 characters. I understand the benefits of using that particular social networking platform, but at the same time I can't help but feel like it is irresponsible. Maybe that is just me.

    -Matthew Morris

  3. When I decided to write about social media and politics I too was thinking about how Obama greatly utilized social media in his last campaign. It was something that set him apart from other candidates and I think it has helped him stay relevant and connected with his supporters. The video you included sent a pretty powerful message. While it does seem a little strange that the president has a twitter, i also think that many politicians feel they need to have some kind of social networks, whether they are run by their PR rep or themselves, in order to connect with their audience.
